
What is a Blued Finish?

If you type “blue steel” in your internet search bar, you’re going to get two main results. The first is Ben Stiller’s character from the movie Zoolander, and the other involves the finish on a gun. Bluing is a passivation process of treating steel to prevent rust. The chemical process results in a blue-black finish, hence […]

Why Are Ammo Magazines Curved?

Cash My Guns buys a wide array of firearms including handguns, rifles, and shotguns. A distinct feature you’ll notice on some semi-automatic models is a curved ammunition magazine. So why are gun magazines curved? It has to do with the way bullets and their cartridges naturally nest within the magazine. Cartridges that are even slightly […]

Guns That Changed History

Cash My Guns gets excited when historically significant firearms come through our facility doors. What can we say? We’re history buffs. At a fundamental level, guns are simple machines; they fire projectiles when the trigger is pulled. So, it’s amazing to think that a machine operated by an index finger can have such a lasting […]

Listen Up! Guns and Your Hearing

Cash My Guns is your best bet when it comes to safely selling your gun(s). As we have iterated time and time again, safety is of great importance when it comes to handling firearms. This mindset should be present in every aspect of gun ownership and use. One thing that is commonly overlooked when shooting […]

Bullet Basics: Calibers, Types, and Terminology

Guns and the projectiles they fire have been evolving alongside each other since the early modern age of firearms. As a result of the variations in firearm design from different parts of the world and constant advancements in technology, bullets have taken on many forms. If you find it hard keeping up with all the […]

Responsible Gun Storage

Responsible gun owners know that for their firearms to take care of them when needed, they must care for their firearms in return. One of the main facets of caring for your gun is proper storage. Most gun owners only fire their guns a few times a year – the rest of their guns’ lives […]

The Colt M1911 Pistol

Recently, a client of ours sold us a real beauty of a gun – a Colt M1911 pistol. This fabled firearm has seen action in several armed conflicts throughout history and made a name for itself on the civilian market as a sharpshooter. When a gun like this comes into Cash My Guns, we love […]

Customer Inherits WWII Era Guns

One of our more notable buyer/seller experiences came from Robert who’s grandfather died and left him a trunk suit-case of old handguns. The guns were mostly WWII era handguns, some very valuable and he was searching for a way to safely sell them. Since we’re interested in stories and history of older firearms and it […]

Choosing Cash My Guns Over a Private Party

One of the trickier parts in any buyer/seller transaction is agreeing on the price of an item. When you sell a firearm to Cash My Guns, it’s our goal to give you a fair and honest appraisal. We know guns, and we know how much they’re worth. We encourage you to look at our competitor’s […]

Selling Your Firearm to Cash My Guns

Cash My Guns has become a valuable resource for people who have little familiarity with firearms.  Many people possess unwanted firearms and do not know where to begin when selling them (we get it-selling a gun isn’t something you do every day!). As a valued customer, we want to take the hassle of selling your […]

Cash My Guns: Simple and Safe

As authorized specialists, Cash My Guns is licensed to buy and ship firearms under our Federal Firearms License, or FFL. We strictly follow the laws laid out by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms and have built a reputation on assisting people in navigating their guidelines. Selling a gun can be daunting; we understand […]

Firearm Categories

No matter what you think about firearms, it can never hurt to have some knowledge on the subject. With that in mind, this article aims at covering the basic gun types for those of you who may have just stumbled upon an old relic in your attic, or even you seasoned collectors who want a […]