What is my SKS Worth?
Why do Gun Owners Like SKS Rifles?
Designed by Sergei Gavrilovich Simonov, the SKS is one of the most iconic firearms designed in the middle of the 20th century. Designed in 1944, the SKS was too late to make an effective difference in the Second World War and was soon rendered outdated in Russia by the AK-47 not long after its introductions. Despite its relatively short use in Russia as the primary arm of the military, the SKS thrived in other communist nations during the Cold War. Many SKS rifles have made their way to the states as sporter rifles in the hands of civilians.
The SKS has a fairly diverse production among COMBLOC nations. Values generally depend on which nation produced them. From the lower end Norinco Type 56 to the incredibly rare North Korean production models, the value of the SKS rifles can differ greatly. Rare variants such as the Norinco Type 63, able to accept AK style magazines, also command a greater value. Russian variants were manufactured at both the Tula and Izhevsk arsenals. Those manufactured at Izhevsk are more rare and do better on the used market.
How to Determine the Value of my SKS?
A major factor in determining value for any firearm comes from the condition of the gun. If it is in mint condition with little finish wear from handling, the gun can retain a good portion of its retail value. If more usage is apparent and the gun has scuffs, dents or scratches on the slide or polymer lower, the value will lower with each imperfection. Same goes with the metal parts, the more scratches and faded bluing finish that becomes present on the gun from handling and usage can greatly diminish its value. The takeaway is that as the condition of the firearm worsens, the less it will be worth when re-sold.
Another factor that contributes to a re-sale value are accessories that come with the gun. Please note that as a collectors piece, the value of SKS rifles are greater if they retain the original finish as well as the original bayonet. Another nuance is whether all the parts of the firearm have matching serial numbers. Please note that aftermarket chassis systems do not always add to the value of the firearm.
Sell it Now with CashMyGuns.com
All we need to make an offer on firearms is a few pictures representative of the gun’s condition, a brief description of the specific make, model and caliber to give an accurate offer.
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To see what we can offer on your SKS, Click here to get the process started